Whole Brain InnerTalk Subliminals - Dynamic Left/Right Brain Programming!
Your mind is truly incredible!
The brain has been compared to a computer. The analogy has power, but it is quite an understatement. Science has discovered many of the connections that appear to give the brain/mind so much control over our bodies (health, wellness, longevity, youthfulness) and our destinies (success, learning, wealth and prosperity). Still, what we have discovered is only the tip of the iceberg.
The Left Hemisphere: The Rational Mind (for right-handed people) controls your logic and reason. It analyzes the information it receives and organizes it into a logical framework. The unique InnerTalk subliminal technology delivers positive messages to both hemispheres of the brain according to how each receives and processes information. To sidestep your rational left brain"s resistance to positive messages that conflict with negative beliefs, InnerTalk subliminals delivers permissive messages such as, "It's okay to succeed." (Direct statements trigger all kinds of negative self-talk from the left brain, such as, "Succeed? I've never succeeded at anything." What makes this time any different?)
The Right Hemisphere: The Creative, Intuitive Mind is non-discriminating. It absorbs information without question or any analysis. It is here that early childhood messages such as, "You'll never amount to anything," are stored, even though you may not be aware of them. No matter how much you try to re-program these negative messages on a conscious level, the emotional imprint is so deep that negative beliefs generally prevail.
Round Robin Effect
Round Robin InnerTalkWhere appropriate positive subliminal affirmations are delivered using female, male and child voices. InnerTalk subliminals delivers authoritative statements which are readily accepted by your right brain, such as, "I succeed at everything I do," to counteract years of negative programming. On one channel, accessing the left brain, words are meaningfully spoken, forward masked permissive subliminal affirmations, such as "It's okay to feel good," delivered in a round robin manner, by a male voice, a female voice and a child's voice. (Research shows that individuals may often respond more favorably according to their preference of male, female or child voice.) On another channel directive subliminal messages, such as "I am good," in the same voices are recorded in reverse. The analytical left hemisphere cannot argue with the permissive subliminal statement and the non-analytical right hemisphere simply accepts the authoritarian subliminal statement, and all of this is a part of our patent! Since the hemispheres are task oriented, both the left and right brain become involved according to their specialties
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